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More than a Black Friday weekend continues...

More than a Black Friday weekend continues...
We will open with the great news – our fantastic 30% off all Large Tumblers special is on AND we’ve just topped up the stock too!
We’ve touched upon the reason why we’ve extended the deal to the whole month in our previous post, where we also promised you a sneak peek behind the curtains of our workshop and the journey each product makes, from creation to burning in your home. So here we go!
In the past years, when we would launch a great Black Friday deal, we would run out of stock quite quickly. Which was great news as we love the support from our customers, obviously - we wouldn’t be the business we are today, or any business for that matter without it! And as much as we like to be busy bees, over the big sale weekend we would run out of stock and not have enough time to make more, which will ultimately leave you, our customers, feeling like they’ve missed out. Not great at all.
We’ve learned each and every year, pre-ordered more supplies, but the demand keeps growing (again, thank you!) so ultimately we decided the best solution is to pace ourselves and extend the duration of the offer. 
The other solution would have been to make even more candles in advance… however every single candle is hand-poured in our workshop on Skye, and there really isn't a way to fast-forward this. The creation process is something so fundamental to who we are that we will not change it! It is what makes us different from many other great candle companies out there, who machine streamlined the manufacture process and lost the human touch as a result.
The process cannot be rushed either. Before the candles are poured, the soy wax and our beautiful oils are melted and mixed together in heated barrels, to create a blend resulting in products that release a consistent aroma from start to finish of the burn.
After the candles are poured, the melted wax needs to solidify, again not something that can be rushed at all. Only afterwards, we are able to label the containers and package them, get them ready for the deliveries, be it to our stores, stockists or our online shop packing hub in Inverness, which we will show you next.
Our workshop team works hard and tirelessly, to make as many candles as feasibly possible, to keep up with the demand, but with the limited capacity and space, we had to come up with other creative solutions, hence a month long Black Friday where we deliver to every customer that is interested! 
To end this post on a great note – our workshop capacity will expand towards the start of next year, when we move the production from Broadford to our Visitor Centre in Portree. We will have more space to make the candles, more space to store the candles and even a space for our customers to see the process, not just from photos, but in real time! Watch this space for more updates. 

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